Foundation of Community Engagement


Welcome to the Foundation of Community Engagement. We are so glad you are
engaging with our web site.

As we know engaging and empowering our school communities has never been
more important.

The Foundation for Community Engagement is encouraging and
working with schools and partners to work together towards common objectives,
to focus on the needs of our communities, especially during these very difficult
times. The Foundation believes that our school communities can support and
provide invaluable experiences for our young people to achieve success on their
learning journey and provide a vehicle to ensure the United Nations Rights of the
Child Charter is central to the work of all our schools. The Foundation wants to
work with you and support you to place your school at the heart of your school
community. We also want to celebrate the wonderful work that our Family
Engagement staff provide for all of our communities and they will be receiving
recognition for the incredible work that is being developed in many of our

We have developed a Pathway to Community Engagement and are developing a
Handbook of Activities to support it. The Foundation is being developed by
schools for schools and is based on Estyn advice and guidance. The Steering
Group is shaping the Foundation, with Mentors supporting you to develop your
Community Engagement journey.